Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Hunger Games: Characters

Character Guidelines.
Character's can not be canon in the Hunger Games verse (i.e. can't have been mentioned in the books e.g. Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, Prim, Gale, Effie etc.)

The character sheet must be filled out thoroughly. Please remember that this is my main source of seeing your posting average, and if I feel you are not literate enough for the roleplay I will not accept you. I have the right to deny your character or suggest changes to it, please do not be offended.

Reservations last 48 hours, though longer if I see a WIP put up within this time. Please ask for an extension. Even if you reserve, I can deny your character if I feel it is not right for the roleplay.

Do not make your character all powerful. Make it mortal - make it have fears, doubts, weaknesses. Preferably, your character should have more weaknesses than strengths, though this is not required. Please don't make your character smart, fast, strong, brave, adventurous, kind, etc. all in one. No one likes Mary-Sues, and they're not very fun to play anyway.

Also remember that your character can and probably will die. Don't have too many characters volunteer - it is extremely uncommon unless you're in a wealthy district as many people from here have had (illegal) training.

Character Sheet Example.

An example of a character sheet would include the following:
Sexual Orientation:
Appearance: Picture included but description as well. Realistic preferred, and if it is a face claim please list who.

Not all of the above are necessary in your character sheet, but try to include as much detail as possible. Some more details you could include are likes, dislikes, theme song. etc.

You don't have to include your character's token here - there is an OOC thread for that. You can mention your character's chosen training stations, but please remember to also post them in the training stations thread.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/YUVfnBxZkx4/viewtopic.php
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